ARPS #12 – Total Captivation

ARPS #12 - Total Captivation

Image #12 from my ARPS series

These gentlemen were seen captivated by a chess game at Chinatown, Singapore. Selective processing/desaturation of the background was done using Photoshop to bring out the main subjects of the photo. These group of men have provided me with numerous photo opportunities on my repeated trips to Chinatown ๐Ÿ™‚

Interestingly, I did a Google search on myself recently (you should try it for yourself — it’s amazing some of the things you can find sometimes!) and found a link to this photograph from a tutorial on selective desaturation ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s worth taking a look!

ARPS #11 – “Mum, Something’s Fishy Here!”

A continuation of the ARPS series

The Tekka Market in Singapore provides lots of opportunities for photo enthusiasts. I have gotten quite a number of good shots of people activity here. For this shot, I just managed to catch this moment of a Malay family making their choice at the fishmonger’s. The high angle used produced an unusual perspective while maintaining a clear view of the child’s disdain for the fishes on sale.

I’m flattered by jcyrhs’ latest post, who has declared this top-down perspective as my signature style ๐Ÿ™‚ Now, if only I can find a good enough panel of shots with such a perspective to put up for my FRPS attempt…

And oh… if you missed out Don Ellis’ excellent guestblog entry previously, do take a look and leave your comments! And if you left me a contact through the link in the toolbar above, I would like to apologise for not being able to reply because the mail got filtered into my Bulk Mail folder by mistake and was emptied before I realised it. I do appreciate your comments and feedback and hope that you would re-send your feedback again if possible!

ARPS #10 – “Excuse Me Please?”

Back to the ARPS series

“Excuse me?” seems to be what this boatman is telling the captain of the other boat as he tries to manoeuvre his speed boat past the tightly berthed boats at low tide at Changi Jetty, Singapore. These speed boats deliver barrels of fish and seafood to the fishmongers/distributors daily as they await their stock for the day. I like the brilliant/saturated colours as well as the hint of warm morning sunlight that lit the scene.

By the way, if you missed yesterday’s guestblog entry by Gayle Knowles, don’t pussyfoot around anymore ๐Ÿ˜‰ and take a look here! Remember to leave a comment too!