Vegetation of Cottlesloe Beach

Mother Nature should be regarded as the greatest artist of them all. The aesthetics of nature has provided endless inspriations for our artists through the ages. I captured this image after taking the “Waves of Cottesloe Beach” (featured just a few days ago) in Western Australia. The lighting was just brilliant, emphasizing the textures for such a natural setting. A polariser was used to achieve an even greater colour saturatuion in the original vivid, blue sky.

The shape of the sandstone on the right reminded me of a tortise climbing up a slope. What is your interpretation?


“At the end of the rainbow, there is a pot of gold” — This was the forth time that I came across such a magnificent rainbow scene. I have not actually reached the other end of the rainbow though, therefore I still haven’t found my real pot of gold yet although witnessing the scene itself is already more than what money can buy 😉

It was indeed a rare occasion for me to be able to capture this rainbow scene on film at the “The Three Sisters” of the Blue Mountains in Sydney in September 2003. The breeze was very strong and the temperature was low in the early morning hours. Although I had to sacrifice hours of sleep in order to arrive at the location early, I find that being able to witness and capture stunning images of such natural phenomenon is in itself a joy. That in essence, is the ultimate reward of photography!