The Beauty Of Talisker Bay

The Beauty Of Talisker Bay
The pattern of the sand beach of Talisker Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, is my attraction of capturing this image.
To reach the bay, you have to walk through a short distance path that leading to the location. When I reached the bay, I realized that the scene was beyond my expectation. The tide was low and just the right time to capture the pattern of the beach.

Golden Twilight Of South Stack

Golden Twilight Of South Stack
One of the famous locations of North Wales’ is the South Stack Lighthouse in Isle of Anglesey. My visit in July this year experienced seeing one of the most spectacular landscapes of UK. It was 8:20 pm and the sun was still up in the sky. Actually, the sun will only set at 10:00 pm during summer. I was fortunate to have the seagulls hovering in the sky. Apparently, the birds have added interest to this awesome scene.