As The World Goes By

This lady was so caught up with her mobile phone conversation (and copying something down furiously) that it seemed that she was oblivious to the world going past her. This was taken outside the Kuan Inn Temple in Singapore earlier in March this year. I have cropped this to a panaromic shot for a much tighter composition.

The Runaway Shadow

Australia ranks as one of my top destinations for photography currently 🙂 I had the pleasure to visit the country twice (once in September, and again in Novemeber last year) and came home with lots nice pictures.

This is one particularly memorable one taken off Busselton Jetty, Western Australia. A little girl playing along the sunny coast cast a striking shadow on the pristine sands. I had the advantage of a high view point when capturing this shot. The tricky bit was the exposure. Due to the high contrast between the reflected light off the water and the girl, I had to underexpose the shot generally so as not to blow the highlights in the water. I am thankful for the RAW capabilities of my camera though: the details in the sand and in the girl were later restored with the help of post-processing of the RAW file coupled with levels adjustments in Photoshop.

At Work (by the jetty)

A picture from my older archives to share with you… Taken with my first serious digital camera, the Canon Powershot G3.

This was taken more than a year ago at Changi Jetty in Singapore. I am not very sure whether if the jetty is still in use as the last time I went, construction of a new modern jetty terminal was already taking place, which is a pity for photographers wanting to capture similar rustic scenes of jetty workers at work. Read More “At Work (by the jetty)”