Hyacinthus orientalis

Hyacinthus orientalis
It has been become customary for my parents to shop for flowers to decorate the house for Chinese New Year… and for me to take pictures of them for posterity 🙂 This time round, we bought hyacinths. I came home from work on the first day of the New Year to find my dad sitting out in the yard taking pictures of these flowers. Joining him for a short while (before I took a much-needed nap), I took the above picture with the aid of a reflector and a piece of black card.

6 thoughts on “Hyacinthus orientalis

  1. Nice colours + composition.

    the lighting seems similar to the single-source you used for ur leave sometime back. I never really like flowers with black card background. =)

  2. How perfect, and different to the previous comment I especially like it against that soft background. Really gets the colours standing out.

  3. Thanks everyone 🙂

    jcyrhs/ashwin: the light source for this one (as well as the previous leaf shot) is natural sunlight, coming at an oblique angle from the back. I find that this usually helps to give a “rim-light” effect which gives a somewhat 3D-feel to the subject. A reflector was used in this particular shot to narrow the lighting ratio such that details in the flowers are preserved.

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