Firing Crackers

Firing Crackers
Crackers firing on 15th January Chinese New Year was banned 51 years ago due too many casualties happened. But the practice was a sign of prosperities for business among Chinese communities. The longer the string of crackers hanging down from the high floors depicts the success of business in the past year. Most importantly, covering the floors with burned red crackers is the sign of prosperities for the coming year.
Such a yearly practice was an exciting event to capture in photography.
I am fortunate to have the heritage image in good order among my collections.

The First Task of the Day

Wolverine CAMERA

An monochrome image that I captured more than 60 years ago. I digitalised the negative and post-processed with the soft-ware recently.
Burning and dodging of the selected areas could be easily applied with the high tech. In the early sixties, cottage industry site at Mata Ikan area was a favourite location for our Sunday outing. Besides the atmospheric pictorial quality of the morning scene, most importantly, capturing the decisive moment was utterly essential for an eye-catching image.

Misty Atmosphere

The misty morning at the Upper Peirce Reservoir on 26 04 2022 provided me with an opportunity of capturing an image enriched with poetic mood. The appropriate separation of layers is utterly important for the image with greater depth and visual impact. I think you need to have a good knowledge of Chinese Painting in order to appreciate this monochromatic image.