Now Or Never

For A change, I would like to share with you one of the colourful and exciting image of the Makepung Bull Race of Bali.

During the race, there were many occasions that the bulls ran out of the track and heading towards the spectators. For safety reason, I prefer to use a telephoto lens and shoot from a distance. After all, the compression of such lenses from my angle gave me a much more compact composition for the final image.

5 thoughts on “Now Or Never

  1. Dear Mr. Tan:
    This is one of the best picture I have ever seen.
    Perfect composition, color contrast and moment.
    I am a beginer photo shooter. Eager to learn everything.
    May I ask some questions?
    1. Does the title imply the person who drives the bulls and the bulls had to give all they have
    at that moment, or the photographer had to capture that moment or both?
    2. When I tried to shoot my dog running in my back yard(I am using a cannon powershot A5 series, set on
    manual mode, manual focus). The shutter lag was unbelievbly long. Every time I press the shutter button, the
    camera does not do anything until the dog left only her tale in the frame. I think the lag is about a second or
    longer. What can I do about the shutter lag? By the way, the lag is not always that long, it only happens when
    I try to shoot a moving object.
    3. Why in the picture you are using f4.8 iso200 and 1/250sec? Was the light really dim?
    4. How long will it take me to master the skill you are using in this picture? Should I practice every day?

    Best regards,

  2. Hi!Joe,

    Many thanks for your comment!
    1. It was a bull race. I think both moments were equally important.
    2. You have to anticipate the decisive moment and click the shutter before that happened. More practice is needed to overcome the shutter lag.
    3.I think it was cloudy at that moment.
    4. It all depends! Practice makes perfect.


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