Want Ice Cream?

Want Ice Cream?
Prior to Nyepi day in Bali, the Ngrupuk parade is held during which papier-mâché statues known as ogoh-ogoh are paraded on a convoy around the town. They are then traditionally burnt to ashes in a cemetery as a symbol of self-purification (although I’ve read that these are usually recycled in recent times). We attended the parade in Denpasar on our trip and it was really crowded and humid-hot!. In between taking pictures of the parade, I managed to catch this ice-cream seller in great light. With the hot weather, he certainly was enjoying good business that day!

Fireworks Preview

Fireworks Preview
Singapore will celebrate its 44th National Day on 9 August 2009 with a grand parade at the Esplanade waterfront. The traditional finale of the parade has always been a fireworks spectacular. I was around the area last weekend and caught a preview of the finale during the parade rehearsal. Fireworks are always tricky to catch on photography since it is almost never possible to predict where or when the light-bursts will occur. I had my camera set mainly on a fixed aperture and ISO speed while triggering the shutter on “B” mode and gauging the timing by feel. I think I might make another trip to this coming weekend’s rehearsal for yet another try 🙂